Logo de Bajanda app

The new Cuban Uber

A group of young Cubans, entrepreneurs, have created the Bajanda application, presented on February 14, an alternative for Cuban transport, fast, simple and tailored to everyone. The application is divided into two applications, available for both iPhone and Android, one application is for travelers and another is for chauffeurs.

Una joven contempla el paisaje frente a un río tropical (littlehenrabi / Getty Images/iStockphoto)

True happiness is experienced during the holidays

The secret of happiness is not to marry or have a child, but to travel <p itemprop="»alternativeHeadline»" style="»text-align:" justify;»>A Booking study reflects that the experience lived before and during a trip is much more pleasant than any other material thing, as he tells us <a href="/en/»https://www.lavanguardia.com/ocio/viajes/20170110/413202176415/secreto-felicidad-viajar.html»/">The vanguard</a> It is a writing.</p><p Read more...