Preconceived diving ideas

Surely if you are reading this section it is because you have not yet dared to enter the world of diving and if you have done it, then continue reading. Simply this topic will help you understand you, your friends and family that diving is not a crazy sport. Leave behind those ideas you have in mind and let's clarify 3 premeditated diving ideas They will help you. First we will talk about shark attacks, then it is necessary to travel far to go diving and finally know if it's a sport for men.

Shark attacks

One of the main concerns that non-divers always worry about is that sharks scare them. Really being under the sea, seeing species that normally one does not usually see and certain incredible elements that are appreciated and not being accustomed, well, it can scare. However, in general sharks hardly pose a risk to divers or for humans. According to statistics, only about 5 humans die each year worldwide due to shark attacks, while humans sacrifice some 100 000 000 sharks per year. Sharks are an incredibly vulnerable species. Because they grow slowly and produce few young people, sharks are exceptionally susceptible to overexploitation.

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The live sharks are worth much more than dead and can help boost local economies in places like Palau, where sharks contribute an estimated $ 18 million per year through the diving tourism.

In fact, quite a few people who start diving tend to be nervous among sharks and quickly become one of their biggest defenders. In addition, as rare as it may be, within the few people who have suffered from attacks they are usually shark defenders, as is the case with Mike Coots, PADI AmbassaDiver.

Travel far to dive

On many occasions it is thought that you need to travel to tropical destinations away from home in order to dive. And although those dream destinations will definitely provide incredible dives, there is something worth seeing regardless of where you live.

Not only the warm waters provide beautiful views, but also the cold waters have much to offer. From oil platforms to seaweed forests. Even if you're not near the ocean, there are plenty of lakes and quarries that offer unique immersion experiences. There are places in cold waters where there are sunken ships To experience diving. 

There are also those people who believe that always to find depth and make a beautiful dive you have to ride a boat. There are many places within it city where you can experience and very special for diving initiation.

Immersion, a men's sport

Many times some women comment that they avoid dive because it seems to them that it is intended for men and that there are few women divers. Although it used to be the case that almost 90% of the divers were men, diving is becoming more and more balanced, so that 1/3 of the divers are women. In addition, women who live in cold weather places are in luck, because they have a layer of fat under the skin that keeps women warmer than men in the water.

Every year the Women's Diving Day, and this event has been growing every year, so it helps more people to experience the underwater world.

When we are relaxed, natural breathing is slow, deep breathing. However, when we are stressed, our breathing can become faster. We tell you more about breathing underwater in the following post: Diving and breathing underwater.


Dive in Cuba – Dive Center in Havana – Cuba Blue Diving · 7 July, 2019 at 8:11 pm

[& #8230;] in Cuba or anywhere in the world for fear of something or certain comments, we recommend reading: 3 premeditated ideas of diving, an article written in Spanish. In addition, you can see a small gallery of images provided by Cuba [& #8230;]

Physical benefits of diving - Cuba Blue Diving diving Center · 16 January, 2021 at 3:08 pm

[…] But it is also essential to have a good physical shape to be able to resist underwater, breathe correctly and move with the load that the equipment supposes and the resistance that the water offers us, which we must […]

Dive in Cuba ⭐ Diving and Underwater Photography ⭐ · 31 October, 2021 at 4:28 am

[& #8230;] in Cuba or anywhere in the world for fear of something or certain comments, we recommend reading: 3 premeditated ideas of diving, an article written in Spanish. In addition, you can see a small gallery of images provided by Cuba [& #8230;]

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