Our first videos

In this section we will not tell you anything, we will not put you much text, we will simply expose our first videos, not the first ones made by us, but the first ones uploaded to our YouTube channel, so we would like you to leave us a comment about what you think about them, if you liked it? Would you like us to upload more videos? and everything related to the videos that you want to share with us.

Diving in Bay of Pigs

Pues si no sabías que es la termoclina, te comentamos que es una línea imaginaria que separa dos masas de agua de temperatura diferente «empieza a formarse una termoclina incipiente encima del agua central entre 50 y 80 metros, donde está el agua central noratlántica» 

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In Bay of Pigs, we went to do an incredible dive with magnificent clients, good for us all clients are special.

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Dive in Puerto Escondido

Slow motion!
Our dive center has different points, but Puerto Escondido is one of the most favorite, without being so deep with no more than 16 meters.

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