Diving curiosities that you cannot miss. Scuba diving is one of the coolest activities to practice in the sea that get benefits. It should always be done with the greatest possible respect for the environment in which the activity is carried out and you must do it under the prior preparation by professionals in the sector and always accompanied by another partner.
That is why on this occasion, for the requests that have been sent to us through our networks Facebook and Instagram, we have decided to talk to you about 15 curiosities of diving.
Synonyms of diving that you can find in this reading: immersion, scuba diving.

1- When diving hands are not used to swim, simply with the fin movement is sufficient so this would save energy. The hands are only used to turn or to give the basic dive cues once you find yourself in the depths. 👌
It is important to know the signals to express actions and situations before starting the dives to be able to communicate with other colleagues and help if required. ✋

2- Bottle, tank or cylinder as they say, although eamong more experienced divers the expression is never used bottle but air bottle or tank. The word bottle is often used by newbies. Of course, it is wrong to say oxygen tank. 😎
Air bottle does not contain pure oxygen but air normal and ordinary with him 80 % Nitrogen and 20 Oxygen. The secret is that the air is compressed, therefore, you will also hear people say compressed air tank. Unlike liquids, air can be compressed under pressure. 🧴
3- The speed of spread of cold is 25 times faster than in air. That is why at 20ºC in the street we will not feel cold but in the water we will notice it fresh and in a while we will begin to feel cold. 🥶
4- The speed of sound propagation in water is 10 times faster than in air. Sure that many times when swimming we have heard a noise from the engine of a boat, but when we look we see it very far away. For this reason, unlike on the surface, in water the sound reaches the ears almost with the same speed and is very easy to guess where the sound is coming from. 〽
5- The light does not diffuse the same in the waterSo don't expect to encounter vibrant colors in the depths. If you want to take photos, you can use special filters or do tricks with the camera. 📸
6- The woman floats better in the water than the man, because, generally, their tissues contain more fat. 😏
7- It is not advisable to ride an airplane after a day of diving, since the dissolved nitrogen in our body can turn into bubbles in the blood, due to the drop in pressure due to altitude. ✈
8- If we rise to the surface holding our breath, the pressure in the lungs decreases and the volume of air that we have in them increases so that the air can go out to the blood or to other parts of the body. Therefore, we advise not to hold your breath and less if you are learning. 🤿
We always advise our clients to enjoy and relax while diving. 😁
9- If you have wondered why they give you desire to breathe, we tell you that It is not caused by the need for oxygen but by the need to release carbon dioxide. 😉
10- The time limit that we can be underwater is not only marked by oxygen but by the absorption of loose nitrogen that depends on the depth. ⌛
11- The 97% of the existing water on Earth is salty and it is found in the various seas and oceans. Just the remaining 3% is fresh water, where most of it is trapped within the polar caps and under the Earth's surface. Which leaves a smaller portion of surface and atmospheric water available. 🌎
12- Did you know that almost 60% of marine species are nocturnal? This is why many divers prefer night diving. 🌃

13- The current diving equipment emerged in the 1940s. ⭐
14- The first autonomous diving device, that is, that allowed breathing independently under water, can be considered the Aqua lung. 🤿
Before that, dives were done with diving suits, closed circuit equipment, which needed to be connected to the devices on the surface - which greatly limited mobility. 🤿
15- The diving depth record is 332 meters, without outside help. It took about 60 cylinders anchored to a cable, with gases such as oxygen, helium, nitrogen and hydrogen - after in great depths, due to the conditions of temperature and pressure, normal air becomes toxic. 😲
A curious fact about the feat is that the descent of this dive lasted only 12 minutes, but it took about 15 hours to return to the surface without decompression having negative effects. Of course, the dives, for the most part, do not involve such a delicate operation. 😎

Today, Anyone can practice recreational diving and see the bottom of the sea. If you are in good health, can barely swim and like the sea, you have the ability to dive. 🍾
Before starting the dive, if you are a beginner, you must first take a course and ... Well, if you are ready and want to experience this activity, then do not hesitate to get in touch with us and we will help you.